
Climate Change and effects Climate change Climate : refers to long-term regional o r global averages of temperature , humidity , and precipitation patterns over seasons , years , or decades. Climate change: is a significant change in average weather conditions , such as becoming warmer , wetter , or drier over a period of decades or longer . The difference between climate change and natural weather variability is the long-term trend . Effects of Climate change: Climate change can lead to a plethora of effects on several parts of the world. Generally speaking, countries that produce the least greenhouse gases will be more affected than countries that produce a high variety of greenhouse gases. effects of climate change can vary from rising sea levels (which have a high probability of submerging low-lying islands and capitals), to heatwaves, droughts, and an increase in downpours and storms. How is climate change a megatrend? Megatrend: Megatrends are defined as pat...