Climate Change and effects

Climate change

Climate: refers to long-term regional or global averages of temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns over seasons, years, or decades.

Climate change: is a significant change in average weather conditions, such as becoming warmer, wetter, or drier over a period of decades or longer. The difference between climate change and natural weather variability is the long-term trend.

Effects of Climate change: Climate change can lead to a plethora of effects on several parts of the world. Generally speaking, countries that produce the least greenhouse gases will be more affected than countries that produce a high variety of greenhouse gases. effects of climate change can vary from rising sea levels (which have a high probability of submerging low-lying islands and capitals), to heatwaves, droughts, and an increase in downpours and storms.

How is climate change a megatrend?

Megatrend: Megatrends are defined as patterns, trends, or major movements that are applied on a worldwide scale, and are likely to have a noticeable impact on our perception of the world economically and socially in the future.

How is Climate change a megatrend?:  Climate change can shape careers by shaping the global economy. New industries and jobs are created from global disruptions, as businesses increasingly change the way they run and influence the way we work. Due to the new effects of climate change beginning to affect the population, several investors have already begun to realize the damages of climate change.

Climate change has been reported to have caused economic damages of over 630 billion dollars worldwide between 2016 and 2018, and climate change effects are now regularly considered a necessary influential factor when it comes to companies and investors looking to regulate and analyze their products.

How can we help sustain our planet to reduce climate change?

In order to help reduce climate change (or to generally help our planet in other ways), there's a series of practices you can attempt to help keep the world healthy and balanced. While it may not seem like much, we can make a difference in reducing climate change if we work as a community.

Save energy: A majority of the power we use is powered by gas, oil, or coal, which in excess can cause damage to our environments and wildlife. simple actions such as washing your clothes with cold water or not using a dryer can help reduce the quantity of energy you use, thus helping the planet.

Use public transport: Most vehicles tend to run on gasoline, which produces a high amount of pollution which damages the ozone layer and partially causes climate change. by using public transport (or walking or using a bike), you help slightly decrease the gasoline output into the environment

Plant native species: Native species are helpful to the environment as they are non-invasive, and are generally useful for wildlife living nearby. even if it is something as simple as a houseplant, it can be highly helpful to insects or other animals, as they aid with biodiversity. Animals are also affected by climate change, so even a small plant could potentially provide shelter for certain animals.


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